I woke up as early as 9am today (considering I slept at 3.30am) because I couldn't stand the heat. It was too hot, too humid for me. But being a person that loves to sleep so much, I forced myself (and eventually) slept back and woke to reality at 12pm.
How do I sleep when it was way too hot..I couldn't explain it myself. I had a good dream too. A Seokyu one...^.^..just because I read too much fanfiction lately. Will scrabble about this in another post. As the above title, the weather turned dark at the afternoon. Before it was bright and shining hot. I swear my clothes would have dried given an hour more of hot sun. But no, it starts to rain heavily and the wind is terribly strong. I think this was one of the heaviest rain I've seen making my room sandy and wet too (albeit closing all the windows tightly). Gosh, even my bedsheets is dirty and I've to change it.
What amazes me is how the weather can change from a bright hot Sunday to an unstoppable rain (I believe) til Monday morning.
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