November 21, 2009

May you rest in peace

R.I.P Daul Kim (5/31/89 ~ 11/19/09)

Why would you choose to end your life? Why does suicide ever comes to your mind? What have you been through? The questions will never be answered. To many, Daul is a top model, having her career skyrocketed since her debut a few years back. Being a frequent reader of her blog, I personally was convinced that she committed suicide the moment I found out that she was dead. The message are pretty clear and being just a fan, I thought she was being too tired and are going through her "rebel angsty stage" where most 20 years do go through. Sadly, her's are beyond that, she must have gone through a lot more.
Like these:
  • "maybe i didnt live long enough to know."
  • "-what i do is not a bad occupation someone is always willing to pay.
  • +i would find it
  • tiring."
  • "the more i gain
  • the more lonely it is"
  • "i know i'm like a ghost
  • i have nothing"
  • "it must be so nice to be loved ..."
This is very sad, disturbing and depressing. May you find your happiness, Daul Kim.

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