Super Show 3 was amazing!! I still can't believe that I get to see the boys so clearly. Couldn't remember a lot things cos I was too focused on the member that came to my area. By the way, got the ticket late via buying through this great forum Chocofam. Luckily, they still have so me tickets to grab and the seating is good. I do think that my money is so worth it!!
Well, apart from Shindong who didn't came to my area, all the others guys did. Leetuek was the longest, he came twice during Cooking Cooking and nearing the ending. Donghae was also at our section for sometime but I couldn't remember which song so did Sungmin- he was so cute standing there with all his aegyo!! Donghae was especially very good looking in person. Eunhyuk came over too- twice-and he muscular but thin and also very fair making it hard to take his pictures because of the spotlight. I was lucky enough to have touched the ball that he throws our way but have no idea who got it.Heechul was at our section briefly during "U". Yesung came by interacting with Donghae. Lots of Eunhae moment too but they didn't strip during "I Wanna Love You". Guess it is haram here, who knows? Siwon was at our section too but not too long. Nearing the ending, Kyuhyun came by to sign the balls and throw it to our section during "Way For Love". Seeing Kyuhyun in person is like a dream come true. True enough, he is so "gorgeous" words can't define how perfect he is. I was actually giving up hope of seeing up close as he seems to always go to the other end or just walk halfway then to the center stage. Everytime he's near my area, he'll just pass by. So when he was actually at my area, I couldn't decide to actually take his pictures or just plainly look at him. I did both though. Ryeowook was the last person to come to our area, it was also during the ending of Wonder Boy. He is too cute. So small size and I remember during the earlier part Siwon hug him and he just looks like a little boy. Some other memories with the boys:
The boys bullied Leetuk in the center stage. Donghae put his mike on top of his head and most of them shoved the mikes towards his face. Before Rokkugo, the boys make Donghae roll in the center and wouldn't let him go. Donghae joined SJT for a while and then run backstage. Also during Rokkugo, Leetuek lie on the front stage floor, followed by Eunhyuk and Sungmin then Shindong lie on top of the three and Heechul waited and joined last. He was laughing so hard he couldn't continue singing.
Ryeowook sang "One Fine Spring Day" in Mandarin. Surprised that he choose to sing in Mandarin and I actually felt bad I don't know the lyrics. Kyuhyun's "New Endless Love" is top notch, sad that the speaker is too loud that he might not have heard us sang along. Leetuek's "Kiss Goodbye" is great too. Love it! And Henry's "Baby" if of course, better than the original. Love the way he tease us which the way he plays the piano first followed by the dance move. I have to admit I did not pay much attention to Siwon and Sungmin's solo. Siwon sang a Christian song and Sungmin danced sexily. Yesung really enjoyed us singing along to "It has to be you". He stopped and the chorus and let us sing for him. I'm glad that I listened to the song for thousands of times to know the lyrics. As mentioned earlier, Eunhae did not strip for "I Wanna Love You" but nevertheless still look smoking hot. Eunhyuk's solo "Down" is great too. Dancing Machine at his best. Zhou Mi also did a solo, great to see Malaysian ELFs actually supporting all of the boys. Everytime a member appears, we're sure to scream our lungs out. No biases here.
During Tok Tok Tok, as usual Eunhyuk kissed Donghae's hand and Sungmin tried to block Eunhae. Also, Eunhyuk pulls Sungmin's bow and let it go causing Sungmin to stop singing because it hurts and Heechul also pulls Sungmin's bow but let go gently. Kyuhyun came rushing to Eunhyuk and Shindong during "You & I" and they let him do most of the rapping. Spoiled maknae sit on the stage with Shindong and Eunhyuk encouraging him with the rapping. These hyungs sure do love him. Also spotted Kyu and Donghae holding hands back to center stage for "All My Heart". Kyu doing Karate with Siwon.
"Don't Don", "Bonamana", "A Man In Love" is mostly focused on the end stage but because there were 2 steels blocking the full view, I opted to look back and forth the screen and stage. "U" was magnificient. The boys were running, jumping everywhere, disappearing and reappearing again and the fireworks effect were amazing.
I looked forward to the encore the most, because I love the Cooking Cooking part most. But because Leetuek was on our side for most of the song, I did not see how the others played. Chilli Heechul is missing. Donghae wore beansprout, Eunhyuk is mushroom, Shindong is broccoli, Eetuek wore onion and Yesung is cabbage. Donghae was on the side area, taking pics with fans. Kyu and Eunhyuk is at the end. Kyu was there first but I think Eunhyuk went to him. The next thing I know the mushroom is on the floor being kicked by the magnae. Kyu offered his hand to Eunhyuk but still the mushroom couldn't get up and the evil magnae gave up on his hyung. Later both of them waled hand in hand to the center stage when the song is ending.
Lots of members coming to our area nearing the end as mentioned. Elfs shouted for Kim Hee Chul and he came out singing "Tai Wan Mei" and said "Don't worry, I'm not sick"or something like that. Henry said 70% of his twitter is from Malaysian Elfs. Zhou Mi said he heard Malaysian can speak Cantonese, Mandarin etc. and we proudly screamed in agreement. Siwon did translation in English for Leetuek but I couldn't understand him. When they're saying their goodbyes - Yesung said "I want too" then goes on singing something Engrish and Eunhyuk touched his philtrum and Yesung was mad but when it was Kyu's turn, he touched the magnae's philtrum. Eunhyuk's says "You're Gorgeous" and Donghae says "Nice Weather". So much for Full House.
All in all, I personally loved it because it's Super Junior and the seat is good. I got to see them clearly although at times I couldn't decide to focus on the member in front of me or search for Kyuhyun but since I'm always losing Kyuhyun, I decided to focus on whoever is in front of me. I'm happy that I got to see Eunhyuk and Donghae most of the time. But Kyuhyun should have come more. He did a lot of fanservice, I can see the fans grabbing his hand and he had a hard time to pull away. In the end, a fan throw something towards them and it hit Kyu in the head. He was like "Ouch" looking at the way, smile and continue walking around the stage.
Super Junior, if there will be Super Show 4, 5, 6 and goes on...count me in. Now, I'll just let the photos do the talking.
Well, apart from Shindong who didn't came to my area, all the others guys did. Leetuek was the longest, he came twice during Cooking Cooking and nearing the ending. Donghae was also at our section for sometime but I couldn't remember which song so did Sungmin- he was so cute standing there with all his aegyo!! Donghae was especially very good looking in person. Eunhyuk came over too- twice-and he muscular but thin and also very fair making it hard to take his pictures because of the spotlight. I was lucky enough to have touched the ball that he throws our way but have no idea who got it.Heechul was at our section briefly during "U". Yesung came by interacting with Donghae. Lots of Eunhae moment too but they didn't strip during "I Wanna Love You". Guess it is haram here, who knows? Siwon was at our section too but not too long. Nearing the ending, Kyuhyun came by to sign the balls and throw it to our section during "Way For Love". Seeing Kyuhyun in person is like a dream come true. True enough, he is so "gorgeous" words can't define how perfect he is. I was actually giving up hope of seeing up close as he seems to always go to the other end or just walk halfway then to the center stage. Everytime he's near my area, he'll just pass by. So when he was actually at my area, I couldn't decide to actually take his pictures or just plainly look at him. I did both though. Ryeowook was the last person to come to our area, it was also during the ending of Wonder Boy. He is too cute. So small size and I remember during the earlier part Siwon hug him and he just looks like a little boy. Some other memories with the boys:
The boys bullied Leetuk in the center stage. Donghae put his mike on top of his head and most of them shoved the mikes towards his face. Before Rokkugo, the boys make Donghae roll in the center and wouldn't let him go. Donghae joined SJT for a while and then run backstage. Also during Rokkugo, Leetuek lie on the front stage floor, followed by Eunhyuk and Sungmin then Shindong lie on top of the three and Heechul waited and joined last. He was laughing so hard he couldn't continue singing.
Ryeowook sang "One Fine Spring Day" in Mandarin. Surprised that he choose to sing in Mandarin and I actually felt bad I don't know the lyrics. Kyuhyun's "New Endless Love" is top notch, sad that the speaker is too loud that he might not have heard us sang along. Leetuek's "Kiss Goodbye" is great too. Love it! And Henry's "Baby" if of course, better than the original. Love the way he tease us which the way he plays the piano first followed by the dance move. I have to admit I did not pay much attention to Siwon and Sungmin's solo. Siwon sang a Christian song and Sungmin danced sexily. Yesung really enjoyed us singing along to "It has to be you". He stopped and the chorus and let us sing for him. I'm glad that I listened to the song for thousands of times to know the lyrics. As mentioned earlier, Eunhae did not strip for "I Wanna Love You" but nevertheless still look smoking hot. Eunhyuk's solo "Down" is great too. Dancing Machine at his best. Zhou Mi also did a solo, great to see Malaysian ELFs actually supporting all of the boys. Everytime a member appears, we're sure to scream our lungs out. No biases here.
During Tok Tok Tok, as usual Eunhyuk kissed Donghae's hand and Sungmin tried to block Eunhae. Also, Eunhyuk pulls Sungmin's bow and let it go causing Sungmin to stop singing because it hurts and Heechul also pulls Sungmin's bow but let go gently. Kyuhyun came rushing to Eunhyuk and Shindong during "You & I" and they let him do most of the rapping. Spoiled maknae sit on the stage with Shindong and Eunhyuk encouraging him with the rapping. These hyungs sure do love him. Also spotted Kyu and Donghae holding hands back to center stage for "All My Heart". Kyu doing Karate with Siwon.
"Don't Don", "Bonamana", "A Man In Love" is mostly focused on the end stage but because there were 2 steels blocking the full view, I opted to look back and forth the screen and stage. "U" was magnificient. The boys were running, jumping everywhere, disappearing and reappearing again and the fireworks effect were amazing.
I looked forward to the encore the most, because I love the Cooking Cooking part most. But because Leetuek was on our side for most of the song, I did not see how the others played. Chilli Heechul is missing. Donghae wore beansprout, Eunhyuk is mushroom, Shindong is broccoli, Eetuek wore onion and Yesung is cabbage. Donghae was on the side area, taking pics with fans. Kyu and Eunhyuk is at the end. Kyu was there first but I think Eunhyuk went to him. The next thing I know the mushroom is on the floor being kicked by the magnae. Kyu offered his hand to Eunhyuk but still the mushroom couldn't get up and the evil magnae gave up on his hyung. Later both of them waled hand in hand to the center stage when the song is ending.
Lots of members coming to our area nearing the end as mentioned. Elfs shouted for Kim Hee Chul and he came out singing "Tai Wan Mei" and said "Don't worry, I'm not sick"or something like that. Henry said 70% of his twitter is from Malaysian Elfs. Zhou Mi said he heard Malaysian can speak Cantonese, Mandarin etc. and we proudly screamed in agreement. Siwon did translation in English for Leetuek but I couldn't understand him. When they're saying their goodbyes - Yesung said "I want too" then goes on singing something Engrish and Eunhyuk touched his philtrum and Yesung was mad but when it was Kyu's turn, he touched the magnae's philtrum. Eunhyuk's says "You're Gorgeous" and Donghae says "Nice Weather". So much for Full House.
All in all, I personally loved it because it's Super Junior and the seat is good. I got to see them clearly although at times I couldn't decide to focus on the member in front of me or search for Kyuhyun but since I'm always losing Kyuhyun, I decided to focus on whoever is in front of me. I'm happy that I got to see Eunhyuk and Donghae most of the time. But Kyuhyun should have come more. He did a lot of fanservice, I can see the fans grabbing his hand and he had a hard time to pull away. In the end, a fan throw something towards them and it hit Kyu in the head. He was like "Ouch" looking at the way, smile and continue walking around the stage.
Super Junior, if there will be Super Show 4, 5, 6 and goes on...count me in. Now, I'll just let the photos do the talking.

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