March 16, 2010

White Day

White Day is Valentine's Day in Korea.

Super Generation.
Jessica and Leeteuk, KyuHyun and SeoHyun and Siwon and Yoona.
Makes nice couples, don't you think.


I always have problem with my gastric and indigestion. Vomit is like normal thing for me. I used to wake up every morning vomiting wind and if it worsen, sometimes, acid. It doesn't hurt much as I'm so used to it. It might be painful for others- I don't know. I even forget when the first time this occur. I remembered I was very sick when I was 16 - I was sick for a week.I did not ate, I could not sleep, I couldn't even stand straight and I looked like a zombie. I could not lift my head at night. It goes onto one position and there's nothing I could do about it. Back then, I tried different methods to get cured - medically and traditionally. I slowly recovered but since then, vomiting in the morning become a regular thing for me. It started since then. When I throw up, there's nothing - but there's always tears in my eyes, swollen and red. I thought it is normal. It is not. Nobody vomits in the morning unless you're pregnant. I went to the doctor today, cause I had diarrhea and told her about my condition. Lately, I feel that my stomach is always bloated. It seems that my gastric has worsen and the acid that I throw up is bad news. Now, I'm forbidden to eat chili, curry, tea and coffee. WHAT???!! How could I live without my usual tea and coffee. And what about my favourite Mocha Blended with cream. And, curry fish head, curry chicken.............................................I'm better off dead then.

Perfect Quiz!


So I was searching for all Kyu related stuff until I stumbled across this quiz. Honestly, I did not cheat. I just answered honestly. Ok, the very least is that I did not put my own name, I used my username but I got the result I wanted. I so want to have an affair with Kyuhyun but never mind, he will be my lover too. Hahaha....this little thing always makes me a happier person. If only he knew I exist...